Well today is the day. Election Day. As the hubs said this morning, "Welcome to History."
This election day feels so much different than 4 years ago. Four years ago, I remember standing in line, and then pausing before I pushed my computerized voting screen to vote for what I thought then would be a historical outcome, the first woman president. I was so excited waiting for election results, and then - Florida. Why is it always Florida?
Once Florida went for trump, I knew it was over. The tears started, hysterical ones to be honest. I knew the next four years were going to be bad. But honestly, I had no idea they would be this bad.
There is no standing in line waiting to vote this year. Pre-existing conditions that makes me at greater risk for a really bad outcome if I get COVID put an end to that. I took a vacation day today, planning on being at the polls volunteering, but again ... COVID. So instead our ballots were safely delivered to the county election board last week. And while I know voting by mail is safe, not subject to fraud, or any of the other shit trump claims on a regular basis, it doesn't have the same feel to me. But you do what you have to do.
So now we wait. And we have no idea how long we will wait, since absentee voting has been HUGE this year because it had to be.
And I will be nervous until the end. I fear for what will happen if the country doesn't make trump a one term mistake.
I woke up with lines from Hamilton going through my head, "History has it's eyes on you." Yes, yes it does and I hope we end up on the right side of history when this is over.